Greetings Yoginis!

Hope all is well with you and your loved ones.

I was browsing through past copies of my newsletter and came upon this, from a 2008 Yoga In Islandia newsletter, which may be of interest to you:

"2008 offers us a wonderful opportunity to achieve all that we fell short of last year – did you plan to be faithful in your Yoga practice? I have been practicing Yoga for over 30 years – teaching it for over 20 years. People remark how young I look for my 83 years – and I will have to credit my Yoga practice. I just returned from a 14-day Tour of Turkey with Pacha Tours, and for the first time I was not the oldest one in a group! There was a retired French Teacher, Renee, who was 86! So, if you want to trek around the mountains and caverns of Turkey in winter – practice your Yoga!"

So, I am now 94 -- still practicing and teaching Yoga. It's never too late to get on your mat and do your leg lifts!

ATTENTION: Changes In Yoga Class Schedule

Your first class is FREE! Private classes by appointment.


Saturday, April 20 -- Saturday, May 18 -- Sunday, June 16

We meditate in group, experience crystal bowl vibrations, listen to brief Patanjali reading. Open discussion. Break for wholesome snacks, personal stories and sharing. It's Free. Bring a friend.
RSVP: (631) 234-4747.

I wish you good friends, good times and good health!~
Grace Welch -- Durga
